Support The Campaign

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Support The Campaign

Your donation will help Kamran connect with Conservative members in Calgary Skyview. Every dollar counts and goes directly towards making a positive impact in Calgary Skyview.

Please note: Donations to nomination campaigns are not eligible for a tax receipt. Also, donations to a nomination candidate for the Conservative Party of Canada are non-refundable.

By submitting a donation, I certify that:
NOTE: As of January 1, 2024, the maximum allowable contribution to a registered Canadian political party increases to $1,725 annually. Accordingly, we will now accept donations of this amount through our website. The maximum possible tax credit remains $650.00. For more information about donations and tax credits, please visit the CRA website AND Elections Canada. If you donate to a nomination Candide, you will not receive a tax credit. Only registered candidates and political party’s may issue them.

E-Transfer Instructions:
Please send your donation to [email protected], Kindly ensure that your message includes your full name, email address, phone number, and home address. Thank you for your support!