Why Kamran?

Core Values And Principles

Why Kamran?

Local, Trusted, Accountable

Guided by his strong moral principles and deep-rooted community involvement, Kamran is a dependable leader who brings a commitment to deeply understanding and serving his fellow constituents, while maintaining high ethical standards, transparency and responsibility in all actions. 

Rooted in Family, Freedom and Equality

Kamran was born in and continues to raise a family within the community of Calgary Skyview in Panorama Hills. He is committed to prioritizing the well-being and future of his constituents through supportive policies that will ensure individual freedoms and equal opportunities for everyone are both protected and promoted.

Working-Class Industry Professional

Kamran’s professional integrity and extensive expertise in the energy industry over the last 23 years have fostered trust and confidence. His hands-on experience and education allow him to advocate for policies and decisions that will directly support economic growth and job creation. He will utilize this background to ensure that his policies are beneficial for both businesses and working families in the immediate and long term.